Thursday, April 27, 2017

Bookish Product Review: Groovebags Bookish High Top shoes + Discount

Hey lovely people! I'm here today with a bookish product review :)

 I recently got the opportunity to collaborate with Groovebags on an Instagram feature. They sent me these amazing looking high tops with a funky bookish print. I gotta say, this was love at fist sight. They're so hip, so colorful and also so comfortable, I really enjoy wearing them! 

Groovebags is a great new(ish) website that offers shoes, bags and socks with unique prints on them. Personally, I think their products are amazing for booklovers -- especially those of us who enjoy taking photos (they have a whole line of camera bags perfect for bookstagram pics). 

They always have some sort of promotions going on, and on top of everything else I also get to share with you a code for additional 10% off!
For 10% off your purchase, use code EVIEBOOKISH at checkout!
Here's where you can find more about Groovebags:

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Book Review: The Fifth Trimester: The Working Mom's Guide to Style, Sanity, and Big Success After Baby

Adult, Nonfiction, Parenting
Publication Date:April 4, 2017
Pages:352 (Hardcover)
Published By:  Doubleday Books
Website:Lauren Smith Brody

The Fifth Trimester on Goodreads
My review copy:

Where to get:


The Fifth Trimester is your new best friend: a brilliant, tells-it-like-it-is guide that helps moms cope with the demands of the real world after the baby arrives.

The first three trimesters (and the fourth--those blurry newborn days) are for the baby, but the Fifth Trimester is when the working mom is born. No matter what the job or how you define work, you're going to have a lot of questions. When will I go back? How should I manage that initial "I want to quit" attack? Flex-time or full-time? How can I achieve 50/50 at home with my partner? What's the best option for childcare? Is it possible to look like I slept for eight hours instead of three? And . . . why is there never a convenient space to pump?

Whether you're in the final stages of pregnancy or hitting the panic button on your last day of leave, The Fifth Trimester is your one-stop shop for the honest, funny, and comforting tips, to-do lists, and take-charge strategies you'll need to embrace your new identity as a working parent and set yourself up for success.

Based on interviews with 700+ candidly speaking moms in wildly varied fields and incredible expert advice, The Fifth Trimester tackles every personal and professional detail with the wit, warmth, and inspiration you need to win when you head back to work. Like What to Expect When You're Expecting and The Happiest Baby on the Block, this is an indispensable guide every new mom needs on her shelf.


Since the birth of Teacup Human, my TBR pile has shrunk substantially. Seriously. Check out my Goodreads page and there is a total of 25 books between my "To Read" and "To Read Own" shelves - and only three of those are currently published.

My priorities shifted and while I still read, and enjoy reading, the time to lounge on the couch and just read for hours is a thing of the past. Fair trade off, but that just means I'm picker when it comes to what I read and far more ruthless when it comes to DNFing titles.

I'm not a huge fan of nonfiction titles. I'll read some here and there depending on the topic, but when The Fifth Trimester fell into my lap I knew that as a new mom and a working one at that, I had to give it a read.

The only drawback, for me, is that by the time I got around to reading The Fifth Trimester, I had already been back to work for two months and had found somewhat a groove between Mom-Andrea, Working-Mom-Andrea, and Human-Woman-Andrea. Not an easy balance, but I got a hang of it. For now anyway. ;)

Had I read this prior to coming back to work, it would have been more helpful and insightful as to what I was about to experience. Lauren includes amazing tips, hacks, and stories from fellow mothers.

One of my favorite things Lauren includes, which I have since adopted, is the "sub-sixty-second" plan for the "morning when your baby decides to nurse twice, or poops on your clothes, or just needs to be held during the exact time that you usually reserve for getting ready." Luckily, Teacup Human doesn't have many of these mornings and if she wakes up early I can put her in her bouncer next to my vanity and she entertains herself, but every once in a while all my focus needs to be on her. Or else.

Lauren's writing is like talking to a girlfriend and her antidotes of fellow friends/mothers who have been in the same situation were calming. Sort of in an "I'm not alone" sort of way. One of the things she stresses is that while it's important to take care of your baby, obviously, it's also extremely important to take care of yourself.

I'd definitely recommend this to any mother on the verge of returning to work or just to any new mother in general.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Click. Date. repeat. Again. by K.J Farnham {Book Review and Blurb}

Title: Click. Date. Repeat. Again
Series: Click. Date. Repeat. Series
Author: K.J. Farnham
Release Date: April 19th, 2017
Genre: women�s fiction 
Tour Dates: April 19th � 23rd, 2017

Never in her wildest dreams would Jess Mason ever imagine herself being a part of the online dating hype. Yet here she is smack-dab in the middle of it all. And she�s dated her fair share of online crazies to be a new connoisseur of all the weirdos out in the cyber world. After a slew of bad dates and pussy (cat that is) pictures, Jess knows that she needs to finally commit to something�or someone. And suddenly there he is, a man she can actually imagine herself with. But when Jess is faced with an undeniable attraction to a handsome, unavailable co-worker, she�s conflicted about continuing her quest for Mr. Right-At-Her-Fingertips. Now, it�s feast or famine�and she�s not willing to starve. She certainly can�t have both�that wouldn�t be right. After all, that�s the �old Jess.� The new Jess is ready to start clicking with someone special and make a real love connection. **This book is a spinoff of Click Date Repeat, so it can be read as a standalone.**

 Buy the Book: AmazonUS | AmazonUK |

Oh my! I absolutely adored this book! One of the best women's fiction books I've read in quite awhile. Jess's best friend Chloe some how gets her involved in online dating, against her better judgement. Jess starts a fun,hilarious and exciting ride into the online dating community with her first date who hiccups when he is nervous. Freaking hilarious I tell you!! Jess starts to meet her fair share of crazy men online but she also finds a deep connection with a co-worker which just adds to her confusion. Not to mention, her ex that she is trying to forget just won't stop bugging her. 

I loved how real these characters were. They all had flaws and life issues. They weren't picture perfect like some romance novels make you believe. The genuine actions taken by Jess to find real love were at sometimes so familiar to me, I had to remember I was reading a book!

You don't need to read the first book to pick up this sequel. The first book is all about Chloe's journey to finding love online but this one is all about Jess. I didn't read the first book either and I absolutely will be reading it soon, just because I love this author and want to read more, more, more.

Pick up this book and take a ride into the online dating world with Jess. From funny and affectionate to serious and engrossing, this book has everything you'd want to see in contemporary fiction. 

About the author:

AmazonAU | AmazonCA
Say Hello to author K.J. Farnham! Bio: K. J. Farnham writes contemporary fiction for women and young adults. A former educator who grew up in the Milwaukee area, she now lives in Western Wisconsin with her husband and three children. When not keeping up with her kids, she can usually be found reading or writing. Beach outings, coffee, acoustic music, and road trips are among her favorite things. She currently has several projects in the works! Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram It's a Series: If you haven't checked out book 1 in the series you should!

Title: Click. Date. Repeat. 
Series: Click. Date. Repeat. Series 
Author: K.J. Farnham 
Release Date: August 21st, 2014 
Genre: women�s fiction 
Blurb: These days, finding love online is as commonplace as ordering that coveted sweater. But back in 2003, the whole concept of internet dating was still quite new, with a stigma attached to it that meant those who were willing to test the waters faced a fair amount of skepticism from friends and family. Such is the case for Chloe Thompson, a restless 20-something tired of the typical dating scene and curious about what she might find inside her parents� computer. With two serious but failed relationships behind her, Chloe isn�t even entirely sure what she�s looking for. She just knows that whatever it is, she wants to find it. Chloe�s foray into online dating involves a head-first dive into a world of matches, ice breakers and the occasional offer of dick pics, all while Chloe strives to shake herself of the ex who just refuses to disappear. Will she simultaneously find herself and �the one� online, or will the ever-growing pile of humorous and downright disastrous dates only prove her friends and family right? There�s only one way to find out� Click. Date. Repeat. 
Buy the Book: AmazonUS | AmazonUK | AmazonAU | AmazonCA

Visit all the stops on the tour:

April 19th
On The Run Book Reviews - Book Excerpt
Amanda's Book Nook for Adults - Book Review
Kelee Morris - Author Spotlight
CLiK Book Blog - Book Review
For the Love of Chick Lit - Book Excerpt

April 20th
  Chick Lit Central - Author Spotlight
Jena Books - Book Review
Wild & Sexy Book Blog - Book Review

April 21st
ItaPixie's Book Corner - Book Excerpt
GW Reviews - Book Review
Bookish Lifestyle - Book Review
Judging More than Just the Cover - Author Interview

April 22nd
Book Lover in Florida - Book Excerpt
Sylv.Net - Author Spotlight
Romance Rendezvous Book Blog - Book Review

April 23rd
  Kristin's Novel Cafe - Author Spotlight
Second Run Reviews - Author Spotlight
Ramblings From Beneath The Sheets - Book Excerpt
  Lindsay's Book Blog - Book Review

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

13 Reasons Why [TV] - Personal Thoughts

�I wanted people to trust me, despite anything they'd heard. And more than that, I wanted them to know me. Not the stuff they thought they knew about me. No, the real me. I wanted them to get past the rumors. To see beyond the relationships I once had, or maybe still had but that they didn't agree with.� 

Disclaimer: This isn't a TV show or book review, just my personal thoughts and feelings. I'm not writing this for attention of any sort, I just.. I guess I want to talk about things I never had the courage to share before. 

TW: Suicide

I just watched the last episode of the Netflix adaptation of 13 Reasons Why and I have so many thoughts and feelings, that I'm not quite sure if I want to share, but I feel like maybe I should. Like maybe, I need to. So, I'm going to sit down and let it pour out of me (which is so not something I would normally do and is a huge effort in itself). And then maybe I'll even find the guts to post it?Who knows, guess we'll see.

I've never read the book, though I have a signed copy on my shelf. I knew what it was about, and I even heard some great things about it, but for whatever reason I stayed away from it. So I can't tell you how the book compares to the series, sorry. I wasn't planning on watching the show either, but with so many people talking about it, I guess I figured, what's the harm? Binge watching (or Netflixing) is one of my favorite past time activities after all. 

I watched all the episodes in two days. I was transfixed. I was literally frozen on the couch and glued to my iPad, unable and unwilling to pause and get on with my daily activities and responsibilities, and mundane shit like fixing dinner for the family. And it was a different kind of obsession than my regular interest in highly entertaining shows like The 100, or Supernatural, or even Westernworld. I just.. I guess I just really couldn't separate myself from the show. It got under my skin, it resonated with my own experiences and feelings, and struggles. It hit too close to home. It made me feel uncomfortable, it triggered anxiety and a pretty big panic attack, and I ended up curled up in a ball, lying in my bed for the rest of the evening. (So yes, please be careful. If you're in a bad place right now, consider watching it at a later date, or maybe even not at all.)

Watching 13 Reasons Why was not easy (an understatement). It wasn't entertaining, and it was the farthest thing from relaxing you could imagine. It was, however, really insightful and emotional, and important to me in so many ways. And there are two sides to the story, the way I see it (for me, at least). 

First of all, I believe it's so important to realize that everything we do, every little interaction we have with another human being (no matter how meaningless it may seem), every comment we send out into the world, every statement we make, every mean thing, every compliment, every action or inaction can affect and probably affects people around us in ways we don't even begin to comprehend
Every time we choose to look the other way, 
every time we take something for granted, 
every time we listen to one side of the story and make up judgements based on that, 
every time we shut someone away, 
ignore them, 
give them a judgmental look... 
every instance of that happening could be meaningless to us, but life-changing to the person on the receiving end. 

And that happens a lot, to all of us, every day, because that's just how life works. We don't always realize the impact we have on other people. Sometimes, we have no clue whatsoever that we even make an impact at all. Heck, it happened to me last year when I didn't realize the impact my words would have on another person's life and I fucked up really bad. And a person got hurt, because of me, because of my selfish reaction to something that hurt me. It was a ripple effect that went beyond just the two of us, and I'm still living the consequences of that. It still terrifies me to think of that. It still weighs down on me SO MUCH. Because action have consequences... Some are bigger than others, and everyone is affected differently. 

On the other hand, the show made me realize that though we may sometimes feel completely worthless, useless, unimportant, there are always people around us who care. It sure doesn't feel like that's the case sometimes, I know, believe me. And when you're struggling with anxiety, depression and self-worth, trying to convince yourself that there is someone who cares and will listen to you and maybe even help you, is like the most impossible thing ever. But it's important to try. It's important to care enough about yourself to let others show you that they care. Let others help you. 

Last year has been the most difficult year in my life. 
So much bad has happened, my own body turned on me. I had serious health issues, and even more serious personal issues affecting every aspect of my life. I was drowning in fear, depression, anxiety. I contemplated ending it all. I was so fucking close, you wouldn't believe it. And no one knew. No one had a fucking clue how I was feeling. How I still am feeling sometimes. I can have a good day when I feel my normal self, I spend time with friends, have a play date for the kid, have sex with my husband, read a little, work some and then go to sleep relatively happy, and then I can wake up in a whole other place the next day. 
And I don't feel like I can tell anyone. 
Because I don't want to bother people, 
because I'm scared what they'd say, 
if they'll shrug it off, 
if they'll take it too seriously, 
or not seriously enough? 
What if I'll disappoint them? 
What if they'll look at me differently? 
What if they'll think I'm overreacting? 
Being dramatic? 
Being weak? 

And I am so ashamed of being like this, feeling this way. So ashamed.
And I am beyond terrified to share all this with the world. To post this post. I'm scared. You can't even imagine how much, because I've never shared any of this with anyone. 
In the back of my head, I hear the voice telling me not to share this. To keep it to myself. That it's too risky to post it. That someone will twist my words, and use my own pain to attack me. And I can't take it, it'll break me. Am I being paranoid?

I think my closest friend, Amanda, is the only one who knows that I even struggle with this shit, and yet I don't think she knows just how much. She has her own shit to go through, I can't constantly ask her to pull me out of the hellhole of my mind, right? My parents are across the ocean, they worry enough as it is, what kind of an asshole daughter would pour her shit out on them? My husband is so not a person who understands anxiety and struggling to get out of bed. He's practical, he's here to make money for the family and not much beyond that. When I tried telling him about how I feel, I only got "get over it" in response, and that made me feel so much worse. So now I just keep it to myself.

I understand 13 Reasons Why more than I want to.
I understand Hanna, I relate to what she went through. I could make a 13 Reasons Why list myself, right here and now, you guys. People in this very community would be on that list, people I've worked with, people I went to school with, heck, a blood relative or two would be on it as well. Those who abandoned me and then demanded to be let back into my life. Those who thought they could touch me without my permission. Those who used me. Those who judged me without ever interacting with me, or knowing anything about me. Those, who keep judging me and talking about me behind my back. Thinking I can't see? Or not caring if I do? Hoping that I will? It all hurts, but hurt isn't a strong enough word when you're already drowning and shit keeps getting worse. And you feel like you truly have no one. 

I don't know who I am anymore sometimes. I tell myself I am a mother, and a wife and a book blogger, and a designer. I am Evie. But all this shit keeps piling up, you know? Not just the online stuff, but real life stuff. Always having to move and start over. The stress from my husband work which he brings home, the fights, the uncertainty about the future. And all the horrible things I can't bring myself to talk about even now, all those things I keep to myself only. I see my own happy, positive tweets about books and my designs and other stuff and it takes me a moment to believe that this was actually me who tweeted that. Like, you wouldn't have guessed that this person is going through some heavy shit right? I wouldn't have guessed it. But it's easier to pretend than to explain. 

13 Reasons Why made me think about all that. It's a powerful story told in a very impactful way, it was so incredibly hard for me to watch it, but I'm glad that I did. Because, in a way, it made me hopeful. It opened my eyes to things I've never considered before. It made me realize that it's okay to open up, to talk about feelings, to ask people for help. 
It's also okay to feel all those things and maybe sometimes get lost in them as well, as long as we don't give up and keep trying. 
It made me think that perhaps I'm not the only one who feels this way. 
That, maybe, we all go through some heavy ass shit. 
And that we never truly know what the other person is going through
Even the people who hurt us - they don't know us, but we don't know them either. 

And maybe that's something worth remembering. 

"It has to get better. The way we treat each other and lookout for each other. It has to get better somehow."

P.S. Thank you for reading. Thank you for listening. Thank you for being here. You matter more than you know.

PPS. Take care of yourself and the people around you. And if there's ever anything I can do to help, if you ever need to talk to anyone, I am here. My email is and I'm always here for you.

Thank you Jay Asher, Netflix and 13 Reasons Why.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Book Review: Friends With Boys by Faith Erin Hicks

Reading Without Walls is a month-long, nationwide program to promote diversity in reading, inspired by National Ambassador for Young People's Literature Gene Luen Yang and his ambassadorial platform. You can find more resources to support Reading Without Walls by clicking the banner!

I am participating in Reading Without Walls by reading more graphic novels! While I have read a few here and there, I don't tend to gravitate toward them as a whole. Be sure to follow #readingwithoutwalls hashtag on social media to see what others are reading.

Young Adult, Fantasy, Contemporary
Publication Date:February 28, 2012
Pages:220 (paperback)
Published By:  First Second
Website:Faith Erin Hicks

Friends With Boys on Goodreads
My review copy:
Received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

Where to get:


After years of homeschooling, Maggie is starting high school. It's pretty terrifying.

Maggie's big brothers are there to watch her back, but ever since Mom left it just hasn't been the same.

Besides her brothers, Maggie's never had any real friends before. Lucy and Alistair don't have lots of friends either. But they eat lunch with her at school and bring her along on their small-town adventures.

Missing mothers...distant brothers...high friends... It's a lot to deal with. But there's just one more thing.



Friends with Boys was a cute and quick read - it took me less than an hour from start to finish. Maggie is beginning her first day of high school, a rite of passage for any young person but even larger for her as she has been homeschooled all her life.

Maggie lives with her three older brothers, also homeschooled until the 9th grade, and father - her mother having left (from what I gathered) over the summer. She seeks comfort from her older brothers, but they all just give her encouraging words before letting her figure high school out on her own.

On her way to school, Maggie cuts through a graveyard where a ghost pops up. Maggie has a brief one-sided conversation with the ghost before heading toward school where she eventually befriends Lucy and her older brother Alistair.

I enjoy Faith's artwork in Friends with Boys. Every once in a while we have panels with no dialogue and she tells the story expertly with her illustrations. Even without dialogue, I could understand Maggie's nerves the first day of school and her eventually becoming more comfortable in a public school surrounded by people, verse her first eight years of schooling at home with her mother and older brothers.

My issue with Friends with Boys is its length. I feel like there is so much more that could have been explored: the ghost and why Maggie can see her, Maggie's relationships with her family, Maggie's new relationships with Lucy and Alistair. While good, the narrative is very surface level. Upon finishing, I wanted more. Which I guess at the end of the day, isn't a bad thing.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Blog Tour: Literally by Lucy Keating (Tote Bag giveaway)

I am thrilled to be the first stop on the book tour for Litrally by Lucy Keating, hosted by Brittany's Book Rambles! I have a special tote design to unveil for you guys today and I hope you will like it!
Don't forget to enter the giveaway!

Young Adult, Contemporary
Publication.Date:April 11, 2017
Published By:  Harper Teen
Website:Lucy Keating

Literally on Goodreads
My review copy:
Received in exchange for review consideration + design

Where to get:


A girl realizes her life is being written for her in this unique, smart love story that is Stranger Than Fiction for fans of Stephanie Perkins.

Annabelle�s life has always been Perfect with a capital P. Then bestselling young adult author Lucy Keating announces that she�s writing a new novel�and Annabelle is the heroine. 

It turns out, Annabelle is a character that Lucy Keating created. And Lucy has a plan for her. 

But Annabelle doesn�t want to live a life where everything she does is already plotted out. Will she find a way to write her own story�or will Lucy Keating have the last word? 

The real Lucy Keating�s delightful contemporary romance blurs the line between reality and fiction, and is the perfect follow-up for readers who loved her debut Dreamology, which SLJ called, �a sweet, quirky romance with appealing characters.�


Lucy lives in San Francisco, California. She grew up in Boston, Massachusetts, attended Williams College in the Berkshires, and still misses the East Coast very much. 

When she's not writing, Lucy can usually be found obsessing over the latest music, inventing new flavors of ice cream, or having what she feels are perfectly acceptable conversations with her dog, Ernie.

You can follow Lucy on Instagram @lucy.keating, and Ernie The Dog @ernsboberns
Author Links: Website | Twitter | Goodreads | Instagram

Tour Schedule

4/3 - Evie Bookish - Tote Design
4/4 - The Books Buzz - Creative Post
4/5 - YA and Wine - Review
4/6 - The YA Book Traveler - Q&A
4/7 - Book Nerd Addict - Review

4/10 - Little Lillie Reads -Review
4/11 - Brittany's Book Rambles - Fav Quotes
4/12 - A Book and a Cup of Coffee - Review
4/13 - It Starts At Midnight - Guest Post & Review
4/14 - Stories & Sweeties - Recipe & Guest Post