Title: Luna Rising
Author: Selene Castrovilla
Publisher: Last Syllable Books
Publication date: April 25, 2017
Target Audience: Adult
Genres: Romance, Women's Fiction
Length: 450 Pages
Source: Author
Format: eARC
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My Rating:
Life begins at thirty-eight for Long Island mom and writer Luna Lampanelli, when she kicks her secretly gay husband to the curb. She�s got her freedom, but what she wants is love.Luna knows she doesn�t need a man to exist, but try telling that to her heart. Against the advice of Sunny, her snarky best friend, and Jiminy, the cautioning voice in Luna�s head that just won�t shut up, Luna sets course to find a mate.Luna speed and on-line dates her way into several short-lived, surreal relationships. There�s Ari, the humorless Israeli who refuses to assimilate � to America, and to humanity. There�s Alex, the young and handsome ex-crackhead who informs Luna he doesn�t want to be monogamous while they�re in bed. There�s Memphis, the wild-eyed sadomasochist. There�s Red, angry and crippled, who becomes the catalyst for Luna to join Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous.But before Luna can proceed to recovery, she meets the elusive but oh so appealing Trip. He�s emotionally unavailable and has the Madonna-Whore Complex, but how can Luna (aka �whore�) let him go when she enjoys his dry wit so much, and his naked body even more?Humorously haunting and packed with unspeakable truths, Luna Rising follows a woman�s funny and heart-breaking struggle to relate with un-relatable men and an un-relatable world, and to figure out something even more un-relatable: herself.
I always make sure I read Selene's books as soon as they come out. I almost missed this one but luckily I was still able to get an early copy. I am so glad I did. I absolutely loved it as I knew I would. Selene's writing style never fails to impress me. She sucks me in from the beginning. This novel was a bit different than the ones I've read before but she still delivers a great story and even some funny quips along the way.
Selene creates an interesting character in Luna Lampanelli, an almost-40-something mom who finds herself without a man after separating from her husband (who has kept the fact that he's gay a secret since before the wedding bells and after the birth of their two boys.) Luna is not a typical women's-fiction heroine. Though she's funny and smart, she's also deeply damaged. Her father was a heroine addict who left her in the hands of her narcissistic mother. Thus, Luna's obsessive desire for love is understandable, but her pursuit of it can be frustrating as she falls for one unsuitable man after another. You will find yourself shouting at her many times during the story "No, not him" "Stop the madness". Even with all this, Luna is still an enduring character that hooks the reader in.
LUna kept seeking companionship over and over and just kept failing miserably each time. A funny part of the story is that she had an "inside voice" that desperately kept trying to teach her right from wrong although she rarely listened. I think many of us have been in LUna's shoes one time or another. Picking the wrong relationsips, going for the wrong guys, etc. It is exciting to see where Luna ends up when everything is said and done.
I would highly recommend this new novel by Selene Castrovilla. She continues to be a favorite of mine.
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