Sunday, May 13, 2018

Life Since Motherhood: What's Changed and What Hasn't

Happy Mother's Day to all those mamas out there! Are you doing anything special with your family? We had dinner at my mom's last night and today we are having brunch with my dad then heading out to our local garden center to get some plants and flowers so I can play in the dirt!

Teacup Human was born a little over a year and a half ago, sometimes it seems like yesterday and sometimes a lifetime ago. She is the absolute love of my life and I thank God every day that I get to be her mama.

Over the course of my pregnancy and new motherhood, I knew things were going to change but I also knew somethings were going to stay the same and get even better.

What's Changed

    I don't give a fuck. After college, I wasn't much of a person who cared about strangers opinions - it was a long process to get there, but I got there. After Teacup was born, I stopped worrying about other peoples' opinions all together. My main concern is my baby and what she needed. Now granted, I give more weight to what my husband and family think, but that stranger in the grocery store? Fuck 'em.

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    My tolerance for idiots. I've never had a high tolerance for morons, but when I'm functioning on little sleep and just want to be home so I can cuddle with my baby, that tolerance is almost gone. Nonexistent. There is murder in my eyes and I will let you know my feelings. I especially don't have tolerance for public places that don't have changing tables but do have highchairs. I don't care if it doesn't fit your esthetic. You know what's going to ruin your esthetic? Me changing my child's poopy diaper in the middle of the dining room. 

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    Bodily functions don't gross me out. When Teacup was a week old, we took her newborn pictures. During this photo session, I got peeped and pooped on simultaneously. It was a nice "Welcome to Motherhood!" Since then, I've had my fair share of changing blowouts (it really can go all the way up their back), randomly getting poop on my hands, catching vomit, and being handed chewed food was deemed unacceptable. Plus, babies really do have the cutest farts.

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      I am ten times more organized. I was always an organized person. In high school, I loved using my planner for writing down assignments, due dates, and the like. This trait followed me to college and beyond. For 2017 I had a regular paper planner which worked fine, but was lacking. For 2018 I upgraded to the Plum Paper ME planner and absolutely love it! I'll do a separate post on it later, but just know it's kind of the best thing and I would be lost without it.

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      I'm more emotional than ever. I was always an easy crier, but now I cry at almost everything that brings upon strong emotion. Remember that Amazon commercial where the dad buys his dog a lion mane so his baby won't be afraid of him? Instant tears.

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      What Hasn't Changed
        I get to spend plenty of one-on-one time with my husband. It's not as much as before Teacup was born, but we still carve out time for just us. Whether that's watching TV after she's gone to bed, hanging out on the couch reading while she naps, or having a date night we ensure we keep our relationship strong. It's harder, yes, but it also allows us to enjoy our time together all the more.

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        I am able to carve out time for me. Recently I've started doing Yoga with Adriene and I'm obsessed. It's definitely helped me be more claim and keep my racing thoughts at bay. It's helped me fall asleep quicker, and stay asleep, as well as be more present each day. I'm not toting this as "the cure for all your woes" this is just what has worked for me.

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        Baby giggles are the best thing - and make it hard to discipline. If you tell me you don't at least smile when a baby giggles I'm going to call you a liar. It is one of my favorite things when Teacup giggles. The drawback is that when she does something bad and giggles when I scold her, I have to look away. I can't help but smile, which defeats the whole purpose, because "if Mommy is smiling and laughing I'm not doing something wrong." Joe is definitely better with disciple because he can keep a straight face.

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        I care about my appearance. I'm not vain about it, but I also don't (purposefully) leave the house with unbrushed hair and dirty clothes. I've perfected the five-minute beauty routine - eyebrows, eyeliner if I'm feeling ambitious and have time, mascara, and lipstick. When I look good, I feel good.

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        I drink alcohol. I'm not a lush about it, but after a long day and a cranky toddler a nice class of red wine goes a long way

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        I have time for my friends. We're all quite busy and at this point are either married, having babies, or have had (multiple) babies, so I'll admit it's tricky to find time. But the nice thing is with today's technology, we're always within reach. We may have to schedule a night out months in advance, but it's always worth the wait!

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